Capa: Gisela Gonçalves, Ian Somerville and Ana Melo (Eds) (2013) Organisational and Strategic Communication Research: European Perspectives. Communication  +  Philosophy  +  Humanities. .
Organisational and Strategic Communication Research: European Perspectives

by Gisela Gonçalves, Ian Somerville and Ana Melo (Eds)

Collection: LabCom Books
Year of edition: 2013
ISBN: 978-989-654-115-6
Price of the print edition: € 17   Order

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The diversity represented in this book, not only in respect to author nationality, but also in theoretical and empirical approaches, reflects one of the most salient features of the European Communication Research and Education Association: Organisational and Strategic Communication Section’s identity. The spectrum of themes analysed in this collection – crisis communication, government communication, organisational communication and social media, corporate social responsibility, health media relations – demonstrates the range and vitality of organisational and strategic communication research in Europe.


Introduction 1

Narcissist markets and public relations. Reflections on the post-recession role of PR  - Adela Rogojinaru 5

Theoretical approaches in organizational and strategic communication: A review of the French academic literature - Arlette Bouzon 23

Employee communicative actions and companies’ internal communication strategies to mitigate the negative effects of crises - Alessandra Mazzei and Silvia Ravazzani 47

Developing the resilience typology: Communication and resilience in organisational crisis - Daniel Morten Simonsen 69

Feedback nightmare: Organisational communication reactions to digital critic exposure. A view on some Portuguese cases (2011-2012) - Ana Duarte Melo and HelenaSousa 95

Organizational communication and social media – Challenges for strategizing in business and political communication - Natascha Zowislo-Grünewald and Franz Beitzinger 111

Identification of influence within the social media - W.B.Vollenbroek, S.A. de Vries and E. Constantinides 119

The (in) communicability of corporate social responsibility – a Portuguese insight - GiselaGonçalves 143 

Government communication in a post-conflict society: Contest and negotiation in Northern Ireland’s consociational democratic experiment - Charis Rice, Ian Somerville and John Wilson 167

Crisis communication under terrorist threat: A case study of the counterterrorist operation in Chechnya - Elena Gryzunova 193

Media relations in health communication: The sources of information in cancer newspaper articles in Portugal - Teresa Ruão, Sandra Marinho, Felisbela Lopesa and Luciana Fernandes 217

Contributors 244 

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
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