Capa: José Ricardo Carvalheiro & Ana Serrano Tellería (eds.) (2015) Mobile and Digital Communication: Approaches to Public and Private. Communication  +  Philosophy  +  Humanities. .
Mobile and Digital Communication: Approaches to Public and Private

by José Ricardo Carvalheiro & Ana Serrano Tellería (eds.)

Collection: LabCom Books
Year of edition: 2015
ISBN: 978-989-654-235-1

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The types of communicating vessel systems that form public and private "spheres" constitute a multifaceted, complex system that is connected to an almost intractable range of issues. The fact is that the facets of mobile technology – ubiquity, multimediality, multidirectionality – form a new context in which trends to renegotiate, defend, adapt or challenge notions of public and private are developed by individuals in their everyday lives and by social institutions through their rules and goals. This book, which brings together presentations from the conference "Public and Private in Mobile Communications", held in March 2015 at Beira Interior University, Portugal, particularly favors discussions on the uses that individuals make of mobile devices in their everyday practices. However, as a background issue, it also includes the sometimes implicit approach about the transformations that connect new technologies to certain cultural practices, forms of interaction and political uses. In fact, as happened in the past with other technological innovations, it is practically impossible to discuss the penetration of mobile devices and their social appropriations without the perspective of a historical side, even if it is "only" an epistemological background.



Skype in Daily Life: general patterns, emerging uses, and concerns - James E. Katz & Elizabeth Thomas Crocker

Mobile Communication and Network Privatism: A Literature Reviewof the Implications for Diverse,Weak and New Ties - Scott W. Campbell

Digital Self-Portraits, Exposure and the Modulation of Intimacy - Amparo Lasén

All What We Send Is Selfie: Images in the Age of Immediate Reproduction - Gaby David

Persona, Celebrity, and Selfies in Social Justice: Authenticity in Celebrity Activism - Samita Nandy

Mass and Multitudes: “Old” and “New”Ways of Being in Public - João Carlos Correia

Effectiveness of Crowdsourcing for the Appearance of a New PublicSphere - Koldo Meso A., Simón Peña F. & Diana Rivero S. 

Joining the Spheres: The Smartphone between Public and Private - Gil Baptista Ferreira

Liquid Spheres or Constelations? Reflections on Mobile Devices - Ana Serrano Tellería

Privatism against Privacy? Technology and Culture in Mobile Communications - José Ricardo Carvalheiro

Notes on contributors

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
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