Capa: Isabel Ferin Cunha, Estrela Serrano e João Figueira (Coords) (2015) POLITICAL CORRUPTION SEEN BY JOURNALISTS AND POLITICIANS. Communication  +  Philosophy  +  Humanities. .

by Isabel Ferin Cunha, Estrela Serrano e João Figueira (Coords)

Collection: LabCom Books
Year of edition: 2015
ISBN: 978-989-654-271-9

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The book Political Corruption seen by Journalists and Politicians is the fourth collective publication in the context of the project Political Corruption in Media: a compared perspective (FCT: Reference: FCT PTDC/IVC-COM/5244/2012), coordinated by Isabel Ferin Cunha. The book contains a preface by the Deputy General Prosecutor and national member at Eurojust, António Cluny, and three articles by the project researchers, Isabel Ferin Cunha, Estrela Serrano and João Figueira, which talk about the relationship between Media, Journalism, Justice and Politics. However, the work’s uniqueness is in the presentation of results of interviews with politicians and journalists. The interviews with politicians occur in the context of parliamentary inquiries and are presented by Estrela Serrano. The 13 interviews with journalists were conducted by Joao Figueira. Through the interviews with politicians we learned about their perceptions regarding Justice and the journalists’ performances, based on the corruption cases studied in the project — BPN, Hidden Face (“Face Oculta”), Freeport and Submarines. By means of interviews with journalists we understood the constraints to which they are subjected, as well as the autonomy that they have to produce their own autonomous research in what the judicial investigation is concerned.


Prefácio - A corrupção política vista por jornalistas e Políticos - 9

Apresentação - 15

I. Para uma leitura dos media e do jornalismo - 19
Isabel Ferin Cunha

II. A voz dos políticos - 25
Estrela Serrano

III. Olhares cruzados sobre a cobertura jornalística da corrupção política - 39
João Figueira 

Entrevistas a Jornalistas - 45
1. António José Vilela - 45
2. David Dinis - 65
3. Felícia Cabrita - 75
4. Filipe Luís - 91
5. José António Cerejo - 99
6. José António Saraiva - 112
7. José Manuel Fernandes - 121
8. Luís Rosa - 132
9. Miguel Carvalho - 148
10. Paulo Pena - 168
11. Pedro Coelho - 183
12. Rui Hortelão - 192
13. Valentina Marcelino - 202

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
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